I should have eloped. 🙄 Update 10/1

Kati • Femme 💍 Mariage 11.04.2017 👰🏼 PCOS Cyster 🎗Ange Babe 👼🏼

I've posted photos of myself a few times in my wedding dress here, and I'm super excited to be getting married in November.

However, my family in law seems set on ruining my wedding or at the very least, making it as hard on us as possible.

Our wedding is very inexpensive and we only invited 90 people. We've gotten a few no's and were prepared to move on to our B list invitees.

This morning I get a text from my fiancé's aunt/godmother.

Seems innocent enough, except that we only invited her and her husband, which is on the invitation. Her daughters, my fiancé's cousins, were not invited because he does not speak to them outside of family holidays and we had other family members/friends that needed to be invited. My fiancé told his aunt this and she replied saying they will not be coming at all since their daughters were not invited.

Backstory that his grandparents are very old and not in great health. They need assistance getting to our wedding. My fiancé's mother takes care of them for a living through the state. She asked her sister to take them so that she could enjoy her sons wedding.

Turns out his aunt put this responsibility on her daughters, who she assumed were invited. So if they cannot come, his grandparents and another elderly couple will not be able to come.

My fiancé has told his aunt that, since we've gotten a lot no's, they can come, and we are extending an invitation.

But now, of course, my mother in law has something to say about it.

Like what a bitchy response.

My fiancé is the one who spoke to his aunt because I did not feel comfortable doing it. (Mainly because I would've cussed her out.) But she assumed her daughters were invited and never told us they were doing this for us by bringing the older folks to the wedding. Had we known they were doing this for us OF COURSE we would've figured out a way to afford having them there. But their mother, his aunt, was the one asked to take care of this and it's a constant family issue that no one will take care of grandma and grandpa except my MIL.

We've extended the invitation and now they will not answer us.

This isn't the first time there's been issues from his side of the family. His mother insisted we invite a different cousin to our engagement party even though she was sure she wouldn't be able to make it. His mother also made extremely rude comments to my mother at our wedding shower which resulted in me crying at my own shower and ending the party early.

Am I being over sensitive? Should I not be upset? I feel like now I get to be the big bitch for the rest of my life and be blamed for it, when it was my fiancé's decision to not to invite them to begin with. I feel as though I'm being blamed for these older people to not having a ride to our wedding now.

My fiancé wanted to elope from the beginning, I should have listened 😂

Update: One of our groomsmen heard about this, and his sweet girlfriend offered to drive the old people 💕 So now we just wait to see how his aunt responds that we've extended and invite to his cousins. 🤷🏼‍♀️

Update: my fiancé asked his aunt if she was coming still or not and she responded "sure" 🙄 glad we're all such mature adults 😂

Update 2 : 9/30. Y'all now my MIL is trying to wear a white dress to my wedding. Lmfao I told my fiancé I'm done fighting, she wants to be eaten live by my family and their rude comments for her lack of etiquette? Fine. I'll be at the bar and dancing with my mates. ✌🏻

10/1: Thanks all of you who've shared your stories and let me know I'm not alone! Your stories do make me feel better and I firmly believe venting is healthy. The aunt, her husband and her 2 daughters will be in attendance. My MIL showed my fiancé her dress in person and apologized as the color was super off in her photo and her dress is in fact beige.

For those of you who've said it's unfair/rude that we didn't invite first cousins, there's 5 FC from my side and another 6 from his that were not invited due to space/money. We're simply not as close with them as some of you seem to be with your first cousins and that's fine, every family is different, every budget is different. And again, my entire point is that I was being treated as if I made the decision for my fiancé when he made the decision that he did not desire to have those cousins there.

I am not into etiquette and doing things the antiquated way that it suggests, with few exceptions. We already have a contact with our venue so we can't change now or we'd be out the money we promised to them, as much as I'd love to run off and elope.

But y'all, my RSVP deadline is today and I have some people to hunt down, since our USPS is not the best out in rural Illinois!

Thanks again for your kind words of advice 💕