

So recently my mom went through my phone and she found out that I was bisexual. She started questioning why I was with my current boyfriend if I was bisexual and I started bursting out crying. I told her everything that was in my phone and I explained it to the fullest extent. My mom started questioning why I had sex with males if I was into girls too. With that being said she’s making me delete my social media accounts because she thinks they’re nonsense. I’m a straight “A” student and I’m a leader in school. My mom knew I was sexually active with my current boyfriend but she hasn’t put me on birth control making it really hard for me to even deal with some of the pregnancy scares. I wish I could talk to my mom about some of my problems but I can’t shake the fact that my mom keeps yelling and cursing me out. My boyfriend isn’t even helping me with my depression because it annoys him. So I try to talk to my friends as much as possible. I just want to make people happy.