

I found out Sunday I was pregnant on Tuesday when I woke up I was bleeding I called my dr they told me not to worry as long as there were no clots and no cramping on Wednesday I woke up cramping real bad in middle of the night my dr had me come in for blood work to check my levels after I left I started having small

Clots this continued to happen and I had to go back to dr on Friday for more blood test never in this time was I told anything about any of the results Before I left I told them of a decent size clot that I had passed before coming that I was concerned about I was told that they would give me a call on Monday and let me know my results I got home on Friday and from seven that night until this morning no more blood as the day has went on I have bled very lightly I took another home test and it now shows not pregnant.... is there anyway this can be wrong? I have two wonderful kids have never had any trouble with a pregnancy and I am truely heart broken