So my friend is upset because I won't have a baby for her

I'm currently 31 weeks pregnant. Had an early miscarriage a couple years ago. This pregnancy has been hard on my body already and I still have time to go. Not to mention the worries I have. Anyways, my friend is a lesbian and wants a baby. She kept talking about how bad she needed a baby. She finally says what I was dreading " sooo after this one, you guys should have one for me" I tell her I love her but that I don't know if my body could even handle this again and also that I'm not sure how I'd feel knowing I had a child I wasn't raising and I went on to say that even if I was completely okay with it that my husband would never go for it. Me and him both have some issues with abandonment from our fathers so theres no way he'd ever feel okay with having a child he's not parenting. She was like "well you guys could be aunt and uncle" I explained the same things even further and apologized once more. She finally was like okay whatever I was joking anyways. But I know her tones and I suspected her to ask for a while because she kept bringing that up. She stopped responding to my texts too. I love her, I know she wants to be a mommy and I give props to surrogates, but I personally could never do that. It would biologically be mine and my husbands child. With the stress, worry and pain I've felt during this pregnancy once my baby arrives I want to be able to give him 100 percent and there's no way I could do that being pregnant right after he's born (which is also what she wants because "she can't wait anymore") to be completely honest even if all those things weren't a factor and I could be guaranteed a smooth healthy pregnancy with no emotional attachment I still don't think I could do that for her because I don't believe she's ready to be a mother. I've slightly mentioned that to her. She doesn't have any sort of financial or home stability and her and her girlfriend fight and break up all the time over very petty and small reasons. I've told her she needs to work on her relationship before trying to bring a baby into it and she gets irritated when I say things like that. By no means is my marriage perfect but we've came a long way and have a pretty happy and stable life together. I'm sorry for ranting. I just don't know what to do. Ive tried to be open and honest with her but it's like the topic is always brought up when we talk and I can't handle that anymore. Should I just cut her off? Should I rethink things and consider doing that for her? Idk. Like I've said I don't see that happening from me as much as I care about her. She just loves babies and thinks a baby would fix her problems. She'd be a great mom, but not for the right reasons right now. *small edit* forgot to add yes they can carry their own child. She even really wants to be pregnant however her girlfriend isn't comfortable with the idea of "some guys sperm in her woman" even with a non sexual donor. 🙄 so adoption or surrogacy is the only acceptable route that doesn't cause fighting between them.