Ttc journey - clomid

We have been ttc for one year for baby no2. I was pregnant in July but with an ectopic pregnancy and lost one Fallopian tube..

We re on our first cycle of clomid now and I’m hoping we see results!

However, my sister called me to announce she is pregnant with her third and she has me to thank because my ectopic reminded her how much they wanted another baby and she had her iud reminded and first try and she’s pregnant!

I’m happy for her but a. I’m sad that it still hasn’t happened for us with all the opks, bbts, days counting etc etc b. Why would she think it was a good idea to let me know that it’s thanks to me!!?!

Anyway, just venting a bit because I’m here in pain from my clomid ovulation (2 eggs yeay!) and being bloated as hell starting my tww! AGAIN!

Oh well!