Did I do ok?

Last night, (I had been drinking) and my boyfriend had a panic attack. It was late and I had to be up at 3:00am but I stayed up anyway. But I feel like I should have done something more. He wanted to go outside so we went outside for a little. I asked if he wanted to talk and he said no, he's just having a panic attack, and hated feeling like that. I didn't want to force him to talk so I was just quiet and rubbed his back every now and then. He wanted to go inside so we did, I tried to say positive things, like what I do when I get a panic attack (I have ptsd) but he didn't say anything still. So he petted both dogs for a minute then just laid his head on my lap. I again tried to be reassuring but he still didn't want to talk so I just let him lay on me until he was ready to sleep. Then we cuddled (but we always sleep cuddling). I just don't know if I could have said something to make him feel better and if him not talking to me is a bad sign? I mentioned me drinking because I wasn't sure if I should have done something differently and if I messed up because I was pretty buzzed. Also, what's something I can do to help him de-stress a little? He likes hockey and video games. I usually buy food so that wouldn't be too out of the ordinary.