"Spiritually" Engaged - Fixed

me and my boyfriend just got FAKE engaged. and we're going to have a SPIRITUAL wedding with just the two of us. we love each other so much, but we don't really have the means or time to get really married. Neither one of us can afford the wedding we truly want, but getting eloped somewhere and THEN signing the actual marriage papers is not what we want to do. i don't really believe in marriage papers unless you have children or something to financially gain. We're both still so young (early 20s) and we wanted to do something fun for our relationship without making anything permanent.

if you want to look at this like it's just a promise ring and a celebration you certainly can. But this is something that's just for us - that doesn't come with any pressure from any family or friends. it won't break our banks or put any pressure on our relationship. It's just a new silly adventure for me and my man.

Edit: This whole set cost $10. It's costume jewelry that will turn my fingers green and eventually i'll have to stop wearing it all of the time. GLOW/<a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android.eve">EVE</a> ladies are so judgmental. Its just a goddamn silly thing that makes me and my SO happy. it's not like we're telling people? Once again, it's JUST FOR US. FOR FUN. Because we're not ready to drop $400-$1000 on a ring that I actually want. and sorry but if i was rocking an actual engagement ring there would be questions from my family and everyone else. Pressuring our relationship and how fast we have to move it along. Which is exactly what we don't want. I already said we weren't ready to get actually married, and I'm not gonna let your ladies judgments change that. We're doing what makes us happy - if you don't like it, who cares. Also how is it pointless? Have you heard of symbolism? What is the point of a promise ring? What is the point of an actual engagement ring? Ive seen about 100 ladies post how their SO cheated and broke off their engagement. All that money and planning just to be cheated on and dumped. Pretty sure I'm feeling happier than that right now.

How does it effect your life? 🤷🏻‍♀️

EDIT 2: I already said you ladies could look at it like a promise ring. How you see it is not my problem. But I updated it to "spiritual" for all of the ladies who don't seem to understand that by using the word "fake" it has nothing to do with our REAL relationship.

Lots of people get spiritually engaged. Not everyone is into the old ways of biblical marriage 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️