Purity Ring 💍

Natalie • Natalie “She is clothed in strength and dignity and she laughs without fear of the future” ~Proverbs 31:25 •-• MONQ Ambassador •-•

Hey y’all! So I’ve been talking with my boyfriend and in a few weeks when I go down to visit him for homecoming at his college we’re going to take the next step in our relationship. We both are Christians and believe in waiting. However we talked it over and we both agreed (after a long time in prayer) that as long as were in a relationship (which we have been for quite a long time) that God will accept that we have made this choice together and that He will bless us and our relationship. We both believe with our whole heart that we will be married one day.


My question- I wear a purity ring. I want a cute and fun way to present it to my boyfriend once we have sex.

Any thoughts?

Below is a picture of us together (just for fun)