Would you put your dog down?


I'm just going to claim it's controversial but I need advice.

We are dog people, we love our dogs. We have three and our oldest has gone a bit crazy.

A few things: he is not mean in any way.

He is 15 years old, he eats, he walks, he has no pain.

Here's the issue: he's insane. He has doggie dimentia that we have been trying to get under control. He paces the house for hours and hours. Currently he has not sat down since noon (it's been six hours). We take him for walks to calm him, we use collars with the pheromones, and we have started him on an antidepressant . Nothing is working and I'm starting to crack.

In addition, he just looks lost and kinda scared but then sometimes he will look fine.

The bigger issue is so are the other dogs. Our loving dogs have started to turn on him and started biting him because if they are in his way he will just walk over him. I don't want to have a baby in the house when a dog fight erupts based on his insane behavior

So my question- his quality of life kinda sucks. He walks and roams. But, his physical quality of life is fine. Would you put him down ? We love our boy so much and I hate when puppy parents wait too long to decide end of life. But I feel like this isn't cut and dry .

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