Possibly pregnant?

Courtney • Married❤️ angel babies 😇❤️💙 expecting mummy June 2019! 🤰

Hey girls okay I didn't want to really post but bought would get some outside advise. Okay so my period was due on the 15th then I was 3 days late before I started 'bleeding' the blood lasted a day and half light browny pink colour 😬 now I'm a massive hypochondriac and google everything haha and all I got was implantation so I tested to see what's going off and I had a vvvvvvvvvvvfl which I wasn't sure if I could see so I shown my husband and he saw it but told me to not over react 😂 and to retest Friday because if I am it should show by then?? Here's the photos 🤷🏻‍♀️