2WW wait?? Last First Response Ovulation test for the month prob.

Amanda • 25 years old. Engaged(Nov. 6, 2016) to my other half of 3 years and currently TTC. He's my first real relationship I've ever been in. ❤️ Baby dust to all trying!

Well I had a Surge for the past two days and this morning and we did it the past two nights. Today(Monday) on one app said I was supposed to ovulate today and Glow said yesterday. I took a morning test just to see if I was still surging and looks like I've stopped surging as of tonight?? The test line is lighter now. May take another tomorrow morning just to see. But we may do it again tonight because I read doing it after you ovulate could help just in case..

But at work this afternoon I felt an uncomfortableness on my right side so idk when I could have released an egg lol. But baby dust to all!! Now it's the 2WW! But not holding my breath. And we have also used the preseed sample on the 23rd..