Should I say something to her?


I'm in college and I have a roommate. She skips class a lot and smokes weed and other things which is fine but that's illegal here. Anyways she got pregnant that first week we were here and then skipped class for a whole week because she didn't feel good. She got an abortion and went to class for a couple days but then stopped going again. After she had her miscarriage the RA came to check on her because she missed so much class and she laughed it off. Then over the weekend she said she was going to be gone for a couple days and that she didn't know when she would be coming back. We have midterms next month and the majority of our grade comes from actually going to class. She constantly goes away to spend time with her "friends" who she thinks are so great and all. But a good friend encourages you to be the best you not to skip class and do all kinds of illegal drugs. There's so many people out there who which they had the same opportunity we do and she's throwing it away for drugs and high school dropouts. I don't get it. I really just don't. 😐