Can I just put this out there!?


I just want to say how thankful I am for the relationship I have. I read all these horrible stories you women have been through. I've been through some rough stuff too in the past. But I'm more than thankful for my fiancé.

Times are tough y'all. About a month ago I woke up at 4am, like every other day, with Jake getting ready for work. We said our goodbyes and like 5 mins later he comes back in. I knew something was wrong and he told me his car got repoed. Up until this point I had no idea anything was going on. We had been fighting some but not anything crazy. That morning literally changed every thing. I called my mom worried out of my mind. "Why didn't he tell me" "are we going to lose the house too" "what do I do" she reassured me and told me not to get mad at him for hiding this from me. From that day forward I knew I had to make it clear that nothing was to be hidden from me and that we are a team, that I have his back. He told me he felt like a failure and told me the truth about the house. We are currently trying to do every single thing we can to make the payments on this house but we are almost 3 months behind. Close to getting kicked out. I'm scared out of my mind. I'm super thankful that I just got hired by another company making more money, full time, and benefits just in time to work my 90 days before I have my baby. This job is literally my saving grace. This means that not only will me and Jake be able to afford the house, my car payment and insurance, but still have some money to save and get the things we need for our child. Might I mention that hopefully Jake gets a new job (interviews in progress) which would help us even more!

My life since finding out I'm pregnant to moving has been a crazy rollercoaster. But I'm more than thankful to have had Jake by my side. He treats me so well. Every day i see the things he does and it just warms my heart so much. He took me in when my dad kicked me out for being pregnant. He paid for my oil changes, gets me food, rubs my feet and back, tells me I'm beautiful all the time, calls me his princess, takes care of me when I feel back and sick, gets me drink or food when I'm too lazy to get up, does my laundry, helps me clean or cleans for me when I want to but I'm too lazy to, takes bubble baths with me, cleans up my klutz messes, helps takes care of my cat, helps me cook food, makes sure that no matter what I have what I want and need, and loves me for me. I don't know what I would do without him. He's literally my saving grace.

Sorry for the long post. Just super into my feelings tonight. ❤️