Just a nightmare


Dear mom,

Yesterday mom, you were so mad at me, and then later that night came in and actually loved me. But what happened?

Mom, Today we met up at or new condo we are moving into, my aunt is here to help, my grandma and this guy you like John. I've soon realized you want to be the teenager and I want to be the mom, but the only problem is, I just want your love and this can not be. I loved last night, when u sat on my bed when I was about to fall asleep and you stayed and sat with me and held me. But today mom I don't even know who you are!

Mom, tonight everyone was their including John, and what I've realized is you are so quick to criticize my boyfriend who has made my life 100% better and has kept me alive now. But all you see is a boy who's to ignorant and unaware, that shouldn't be around. And it hurts me because I wish you could know just how much I love him. You say he shouldn't be in my life but he's the only constant guy in my life that keeps me sane. You've been with over 10+ guys. Why do you do this mom?

Mom, tonight John is helping us, and I'm thankful because I hate when you'd pend money. I feel so bad. But my grandma, aunt and I left and you were left with him. I called you to talk to you and see if our relationship could work. Mom you did the unthinkable you didn't ask questions, and you didn't care to see if I was okay. You hung up on me. I'd never saw the day you would leave me, your blood and family for a guy. For your daughter who needs you right now but you just look past and away.

Mom, you didn't just hang up, I feel horrible but you've looked past the good in me and have only looked at my faults. You've taken me over the edge and you've driven me to think of suicide and if your life would be better without me in your life. Mom why i say this is because when I kept calling because I tried and was upset you wouldn't answer. But You texted me this, "If you call me one more time, watch what happens"! What will happen, you've taken away every pieces of joy in my life, and you may just take away more than just happiness, love youll end up taking a life.

Mom you see right through me, I'm the most simplest teenager. I love, I cherish, and I work hard. I never ask for a dime nor will I ever. I don't ask to ride horses anymore because I don't want you to pay for such an expensive sport. I don't ask to se my boyfriend. I don't ask to hang out with friends. I don't ask to go out to dinner, and if I do I ask to pay. I don't like asking, but why should I, it's not about me having a happy life. It's about me sitting in my room after school and lay in bed and realize I don't want to be here anymore.

Mom, that's a thing you don't know, Ive kept this wonderful person in my life because he's keeping me alive, and he's been through it all As I have with him. I'm his rock and he's mine. 3 years ago I tried to kill myself, and you just said I wanted attention and it's whatever. He picked up my pieces and made me whole again. Why do I keep him in my life mom? Because he's the only thing that can make me smile at the end of the day! He can make me enjoy life as much as possible. He reminds me being and living with you is temporary and I have more to life than this. How am I alive because I have someone who is worth living for and to not give up on. Just as he hasn't given up on me. I love you babe ❤️