Advice please

Kassidie • Barista

Long one, but I need advice.

So, a few months back I was sitting in a room with my friends and my fiancé when out of nowhere (no drugs had been consumed) I felt the urgent need to get outside because I felt like I was about to have a breakdown or something. I got outside and (not sure if I'm going to be able to describe this perfectly) I started mentally flipping shit. Like there was this one tree that was the only thing I could really focus on, but everything looked like..idk...wavy and shiny. I remember looking at this tree and freaking out because it was too bright, everything outside was WAY too bright and shiny. I distinctly remember looking away from the tree at the grass and it was shiny too. It felt like I was spinning (literally) and I couldn't calm down. My brain would through these random scenarios of life in the front of my mind and it felt like I was literally trying to push them away and I couldn't.

Any opinions as to what it could have been or what happened would be appreciated. My mother was diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder and Ive been told she probably had Schizophrenia as well. I was told it's rare to inherit Schizophrenia, but I'd be open to any opinions.