Am I wrong to kind of get annoyed at this?

So recently I kind of had a blow up with one of my supposed closest friend. Reason why: her and her best friend started hanging with this girl they used to DOG OUT and me and my close friend's friendship oddly became rocky. After I tried to talk my "friend" about her new "friendship" she basically yelled at me and defended the girl she used to dog out🙎🏽. Our friendship is over and more than likely will never rekindle. Anyways my best friend is aware of this situation and comforted me when she saw how torn up I was about it (because I thought the girl was really my friend-I even cried). My best friend is a very kind person and is annoyingly ditsy and dainty about everything. Lately for whatever reason she hasn't really "talked" to me. She's the kind of girl to keep everything inside and then have it burst out of nowhere. If she's going through something and wants to keep to herself for a while I TOTALLY understand that! What I have a slight issue with is her laughing and talking it up with the girl that is no longer my friend AND the girl my ex-friend dogged out! I've never asked her to take my side in anything because at one time all of us were friends and that would be selfish and immature of me to ask her to take a side. A true Christian would never do that. But I see it as if you're going to ignore your own best friend I don't think it'll look right if you're laughing with someone who has bad mouthed her in the past 2 weeks! I can laugh and have small talk with my ex-friend but I will never truly have her as my friend again and my best friend knows that! Help...

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