My mom lies.. a lot

I’m not going to give much of a backstory, but my mom always lies. A few months back I left home and we haven’t talked but maybe 2-3 times. She doesn’t call, ever. These are just a few times that she lied in the last month.

She told my dad she had access to our phones (through iCloud) I asked her, she said no. (My dad doesn’t lie) and I had proof.

She told the family my husband was dishonorably discharged from the army (he wasn’t) had multiple people confirm. She said no.

She told people we don’t take care of our daughter (again, people to confirm) she says no.

She sold our brand new workout equipment that we told her we would get soon. She says it’s in the basement. (Proof it’s sold)

Sold all hubbys military gear. Says it was stolen.

Just lie after lie. What do I do? Besides cutting her off, which I pretty much have done. I just asked her about our workout equipment, she says it’s at the house, but when I brought up coming to get it, she stopped replying. I have proof it was sold. Do I just say fuck you and block her or confront her? I’ve confronted her about everything else multiple times and she lied. We are out thousands of dollars because of that. Do I tell her to pay? I can’t sue her because they were in her house. I’m just at a loss of words now.