Just a vent

BryAnna • 25, Wife💍👑Mommy to 2boy, 1girl & a baby girl baking💙💙💖💖. Born & raised a California Girl🦄🐚🌊⛱ Currently living in good ol Texas 🤷🏽‍♀️

I am 20weeks & 6 days pregnant with my husband & I 4th baby🤗. I know I should be so happy & greatful. I am 25 he is 27 we started creating our family pretty young. our oldest will be 10 in November. Then we have our 6 yr old son & 3yr old daughter. Things haven't always been easy as young parents we struggled. Yet always figured out a way to keep our family together & our children happy. Money seems to always be an issue for us & right now it's just way to overwhelming. We recently moved out to Tennessee away from all family & friends. My husband got offered a job working at Pepsi out here. Which is an awesome job yes but with 3 kids we rarely ever have extra money. Because we moved states I got rid of all my daughter's old stuff. so we are starting over completely new with this baby. If that wasn't enough to think about. last night my husband walks in from work usually early. Says he fell asleep driving 😯 & our car that we just purchased March of this yr is totalled😭. I'm so lost I don't know what to do I'm trying hard to be strong think positive but come on now. We truly can't afford this both of us don't have much family. All I wanna do is celebrate my upcoming baby girl but I cant.