monster in law

Mammy bear 😘

so over the past year i Have moved in and from her house and now live with my partner .she constantly trying to take control over my baby who is almost 1 and she always makes comments and we dont see eye to eye at all. when she comes over her kids are disrepectful all the time and horrible to the baby.also she always jas something to say"dont do that if i was you"or "my fav grand child "even know its the mother in laws only grand child. she always wanting to have my child stay over hers . takes her from me and makes comments. my partner dont see most of the horrible things she has done . she even takes baby out of bed when baby is sleeping (why😣) i cant cope any advice woll be brill there is a lot more to it but im not sure if i should put on here ? please dont leave blank 💔