ftm advice

my baby is due early November and im invited to a baby shower lunch at a restaurant mid November with my husband, if all goes well and our baby is well we will be going but my husbands whole family will be there and his mum was saying everyone will be so excited to see our baby etc but how do i politely say that because she'll still be so young and not used to the world that i dont want anyone to hold her or take her from the stroller or anything? i dont want to sound rude or possessive or anything but im really worried about it and especially being in a public place there will be people around who arent vaccinated so i dont want her exposed to all those people which is why i would keep her in the stroller with a thin swaddle wrap over the top so no one can see/touch her but his mum seems to think i will allow everyone to hold her etc. just want to add that its not that i dont want to go, i really do want to go i just dont want people to expect to hold my newborn when im not comfortable with her being held by so many people while so young.