What the BLEEP is going on with me?


Ok so, let me first start with all the issues I have: PCOS, endometriosis, PMDD, anemia, hypoglycemia, and I’m allergic to a bunch of things, (the big G being the worst). My mom and grandma both have celiac disease but I’ve only been checked for a gluten allergy. I’m 25 and have already been told that I have a 22% chance of getting pregnant due to everything. My last two paps which I did 6 and 3 months ago came back abnormal and they want me to go back again in 6 months to get checked again. I gave you all that information so you can put that into account if you try and answer my question.

So here’s the situation:

My husband and I don’t have protected sex because we think we’ve got my cycle down. Around the 10th of September I began feeling odd. I started waking up with mild cramps and my boobs were extremely sore. That’s normal PMS but it just felt off to me. I took a pregnancy test and it was negative. My period came the 17th and ended the 21. It was spotty and nothing super heavy. Since then I’ve still have slight cramps and have been extremely nauseated and vomited today. My head has been hurting and my boobs have been sore again. Yesterday, (the 25), I took a pregnancy test and it was negative again.

Here’s my question:

Do you think I could still be pregnant even though two tests came back negative? And then if I’m not pregnant what is going on? This isn’t normal with my body even with all the issues I have. Thank you guys!!