Help... I need support! 😭😭😭


(IF YOU ARE TRIGGERED EASILY DO NOT READ THIS) When I was younger my uncle was always an inappropriate person and would always say things that would make me uncomfortable. Then when I was ten years old on December 20th the night of my band concert he drove over by himself to come see it. After he came to our house and he brought a rock (I was big into rocks back then) and said that he wanted to show me in my room and that it was on my bed. So I went back to my room with him and I brought my really young niece with me. I sat her on my bed and I was talking to him and he asked if he could have a hug... so I said yes and gave him a hug well him being the way he was I was uncomfortable and wanted it to end. He then proceeded to reach up and grab my boob and then with his other hand put it down the back of my pants. All I could think was something please happen to get me out of here and then all of a sudden the tv made a sound like "fuzzy" like she had pushed a button so I ran over to her and said oh she pushed a button on my remote and grabbed her (the remote was not even close to her. To this day I don't know what I heard but it was a blessing) he said he should leave and walked out of the room. I held on to my niece and just hugged her and cried for a long time. That night I promised I would never let ANYTHING happen to her. I never said anything because every time I had all these different thoughts on why I shouldn't and I didn't think anything else would ever happen to anyone else and I didn't was to ruin my aunts marriage. It also didn't help that I had to be around him a lot and I was always so AFRAID to be around him and I was so scared something would happen. He would ALWAYS comment about how beautiful I was and anytime he would get a picture of me he would post it as his wallpaper on his phone. When we would go camping he would comment to me it is hot out here you should just take your shirt off your bra is kinda like a swimsuit. When I started driving he wanted to take me out on his property in his truck and teach me how to drive and of course my mom said that I would and they both tried and tried to convince me to go. I just sat there begging to not have to go finally my aunt said I will take you so I went. Also they would always come stay at our house cause they lived a couple hours away so when they came over they would stay there. I would stack as much as I possibly could in front of my door and sit up and my bed and just cry ALL night praying that he wouldn't come in to my room at night. Then 4 years later we moved 2000 miles away so I only had to see him once a year.( it was the only good thing about moving for me.) the only person I had ever told was my best friend right before we moved, she told me to tell the police but I was scared to and I don't think she believed me) I have spent the last 8 years scared to death and the last 4 very depressed. I went 3 months and barely got out of bed. Then in January this year we found out that what had happened to me had happened to my niece I had mentioned earlier( who I give credit for it not going any farther than it did for me) I felt HORRIBLE it was all MY FAULT I promised i would never let anything happen to her and I did... (the picture at the end is what I wrote about what thoughts I had right after finding out.) I was devastated I told my mom what had happened to me and ever since then I get comments from her like 😭😭😭 "well it doesn't seem like what he did was THAT bad", "well you never said anything", "his wife was so blind to it she should have noticed" and " I have forgave him" 😭 HOW COULD SHE FORGIVE HIM?!?! AND I KNOW IT COULD HAVE BEEN SO MUCH WORSE BUT STILL!?!?! When we see things in tv about people coming out about someone who raped them (for example when the whole Bill Crosby thing was going on) she would comment things like " it is obviously a lie why else would they wait so long" and if one said something after someone else did " she just wants attention and money she is lying too" 😭😭😭I was finally getting to be in a really good place in life and I could actually go more than an hour without thinking about it like I have done for the last eight years. And I was have a LOT LESS nights of crying my self to sleep and not being able to get out of bed. I was doing so good I was working and I felt happy I even started going to the gym and got a personal trainer even though I hadn't really worked out in years because I didn't have the will to. I also thought that if I didn't take care of my self then guys (most importantly him) wouldn't want to look at me and I wouldn't have to deal with it. I was starting to become a survivor not a victim for the first time and then today I found out that he had sentencing (after the fact I was never questioned,I never talked to anyone I got nothing) and he got sentenced to 36 months minus what he has already been there. There are 3 victims and he got 36 MONTHS!!!! I have to deal with this every day, every minute and every second of my my life! He got sentenced 36 months and I got roughly 1,200 months if I live that long. And people try to tell me that I did nothing wrong?!?!


**UPDATE: Thank you all SO MUCH! You really have helped me! ❤️❤️❤️