IUGR babies

Any mom's dealing with intrauterine growth restriction? My baby has been labeled with iugr since I was around 17 weeks. I'm 31 weeks now, and it seems like she is getting worse and worse. We see our doctor twice a week and we do growth scans every 2 weeks. She was in the 12th percentile, then the 10th and now the 8th. My doctor is trying to hold her in until 37 weeks so she has more time to grow, but I am getting so nervous. My baby is meausing 5 weeks behind me, so technically she is only 25 weeks. I know that the less she grows, the higher her chance for being stillborn is. How are you mommas dealing with this? Yesterday when I saw she was in the 8th percentile, I was on the verge of tears the rest of the day.