I peed my pants in 6th grade!!!πŸ˜–


so I am 22 years old now but one of my most embarrassing moment was when I was in 6 th grade I went to a high school that was 6 to 12 grades all together. I started as a new student just my twin sister and my older cousin she was I year before me and my sister anyways we had a science class with this god awfull teacher just so y'all know I was a goody two shoes anyways this man did not allow phones not even on the table, no gum before you entered class you were supposed to spit it out and absolutely no one could go to the bathroom not even if it was a girl. he said you do your lady things before the bell rings. so I had my class on the other side of the campus and in between all the traffic it was either late to class or bathroom and my goody two shoes logic I could not be late to class also could get suspended if I had too many tardys. so I got to class and we where going to be in lab I thought great I'll wait till he is done with the intro lecture and I'll ask when we start lab I won't interrupt his lecture. so he finished and I walked to him and said mister I need to use the bathroom really bad (I was on my period too guys) and he looks at me and says No I said I have to I'm kind of in that time of the month I thought this will help me a bit but again the answer was No. he sent me to my group in the lab I remember pressing my legs together and trying to do my work I started walking around the lab table and bending my legs cause I couldn't hold it so I grab my friend by the shirt and told her I need to go to th bathroom bad and she yells at the teacher look she need the bathroom now and again No. so.... I peed my pants i felt hot my whole body and then I got up i looked at my friend and she just have this" I'm so sorry" look on her face I walked over to the teacher my pants soaked I could feel my pad soaked too my friend walked right behind me so no one would see I told the teacher I need to go to the nurse and he looks at me and says why? and I just look down at myself and my friend says you didn't let her go to the bathroom and she peed her pants his eyes opened wide and then he said well why didn't she say she need to go really bad and my friend tells him look she needs to go to the nurse so that's where we are going she grabs my hoodie and gives it to me so I could cover up. my mom brought me new pants and was pissed at my teacher, yelled at the principal and everything I found out later my friend told everyone that some chemical fell on my pants. the teacher later apologized I just learned my lesson that day. so if I really needed to go I walked out with or without permission and I tell all my siblings that are younger to do the same because if not they will end up soaking went sitting in the nurses office and your crush the nurses aid

anyone else with a wet embarrassing story? please share