Breastfeeding and fertility..

I had my third child in January, but I haven't had a period since before getting pregnant with my first baby in October of 2012! Yes I've been breastfeeding for four years straight... lol

About two weeks ago I noticed a change in my CM it went from like a milky consistency , to EWCM . My husband and I had a lot of sex that week. Not thinking anything of it.

Four children has always been our plan, so we don't use any method of BC .

The past week I've been cramping on and off , two days ago I had a dull ache in my right ovary. Last night my boobs were sore, which is very unusual for me.

I took a test and it was negative, but if I ovulated when I think I did, then I'm probably 13 dpo, so I'll test at 15dpo if I haven't started..

but I'm curious as to what your cycles were like while breastfeeding? Were they irregular? Did you cramp for a while leading up to your period? I don't really know what to expect because it's been so long since I've had a period!