Starting birth control for the first time- Kelnor?????


So I’m due to start taking the pill in a few days (assuming my period starts at least close to on time). I’ve never taken hormones (i’m 20) and I’ve heard horror stories about monstrous mood swings, acne, and weight gain 😬😬 Despite the dears, I really wanted to ease my painful periods (im hoping) and I also don’t want to get pregnant for a while! Mommyhood isn’t for me yet!!!! So I went to the doctor and expressed my concerns, and he prescribed me to Kelnor. I’ve said it’s a lower dosage and he puts lots of his patients on it and hasn’t heard any complaints.... but my 21st century self looked up reviews on google and i’m already scared, people saying it’s awful (along with everything else). has anyone tried this particular one? any tips to ease my mind during this??? i know everyone’s body is different i’m just anxious