I just love him 😍

Ashley 🖤

Hi, my name is Ashley (I didn't pick it and I don't like it) I wanted to share a picture of my boyfriend and I that is honestly really close to my heart. A little back story on us though. We originally met in high school (I'm 25 now and he is 24) we were both sophomores, but other than being in class together we barely talked. I knew nothing about him and I made sure that nobody in that school knew anything about me. The only thing I knew about him was that he was popular and a lot of girls wanted to date him and plus I was in my very first serious relationship and I thought it was going to last forever. . . (I was 16 😂) I didn't finish my sophomore year. I ended up dropping out during Christmas vacation. Fast forward alm

ost 3 years and I am still with the guy I was when I was 16 but a few break-ups were involved some very mean things were said on his part and I'm not going to lie after that some very mean things were said on my part. He was living in a different state and he cheated on me. We end up breaking up for good. One day Max (which is my boyfriend's name) randomly popped into my head. So, I got on my MySpace and yes this was back in the Myspace times hahaha I searched for him luckily he popped up rather quickly which was odd and I requested him. From there we've started our History. We were together almost 4 years and engaged for two when I broke it off in 2014 -15. He was not very nice. We we're broken up for 2 years and we ended up getting back together just recently this February and we took these pictures a couple of months ago and that was the first time we have taken pictures since we have been a couple again while professional through everything this time it's just completely different I have never been happier. I find myself happier than I was the first time we were together and when we were together the first time I thought that was the happiest time of my life turned out it wasn't just to be clear but now I can legitimately say this is the happiest I've ever been. And I'm so happy that we decided to try a relationship again. he loves me for me 💜