First time mom | An smooth birth


So, my son is two months old but hey better late than never.

On July 10th, I went out for breakfast woth my two girl friends. Then we decided to go on an hike (yes, at 36 3/7 weeks preggo lol)

So we go on our hike, easy trail, It was humid and warm out but I felt great.

Then when I came back home, I was having mild contractions and thought to myself " probably braxton hicks, let's google if it's normal that it hurts a little" then my dear friend google confirm that sometime they do hurt. So I kept living my life. Around 7pm, they got a little bit more painful, sonI called the nurses and they told me to take a bath, drink like 1L of cold water and relax, if it didn't go away then come in so they can check me.

Did that, felt good for like an hour, went to bed. At around 11pm, contractions woke me up. I talked to my baby daddyvand we decided to go in to see what was up!

Went in, it took three nurses to figure out I was 2cm dialated and like 60% effaced. They gave me pain medecine, kept me in all night to finally let me go home in the morning because nothing has changed. The doctor told me to again, relax, take a bath and drink water and time my contractions.

So I went home at around 2pm slept as much as I could, took my bath, drank my h2o. Went to bed and then... GIRL! Contractions got stronger, it basically went from 0-100 real quick. I spent the night having contraction but they were not regular, come were 10 mins appart, 4 mins, 2 mins. So I waited but at like 6 am I could't do it anymore so I went back to the hospital.

Nurses checked me, 2,5cm dilated. So all that pain for .5cm 🙄

My contraction were strong tho, with the monitor we found out that when I was contracting, my baby's heartbeat would go down 😨 they made me switch position a bilion times and his heart rate was still going down. The doctor told me I was having my baby today, that if Inwanted the epidural it was right now.

They gave me the epidural ( praise the lord that stuff is amazing) I slept like a baby, then the doctor woke me up to tell me that my contraction are really strong but I am still around 3cm dilated. She said she would break my water and give me hormones wich would make my contraction even worst and I should dilate. BUT she was scared my baby's heart rate would go too down with stronger contractions so If it's the case, I might get a C-section.

Broke my waters, gave me hormones, went from 3,5 to 7cm dilated. Then from 7 to 9,5cm. They ask me to push, BOOM 10cm dilated I was having a baby right now.

Took 35 mins of pushing and my son was out. 5 pounds 11 onces, 47cm long. July 12th at 3pm on the dot.

Everything was fine, until the nurse thought his skins was yellowish. Turns out his blood sugar was low, he had to go to the NICU for 3 days :(

But then his blood sugar were back to normal, breastfeeding was doing amazing. And 5 days later we went home ❤️

That's it. Today he is an happy and healthy baby and we couldn't ask for more 💕