Husband made a decision yesterday, without my input

F • My body belongs to my unborn baby

So my hubby and I are both in the military, I am retiring in less than 2 years (yay!) but he joined later in life so still has a ways to go. He is an excellent Soldier and NCO. He is that one that any Commander would want in their ranks. Duty has always come first on his life. It is one of the reasons he ended up divorcing his first wife. Ive always understood that feeling, as I used to be just like that. My priority has now become my family and all I want to do is get out and just be able to be a mom, not having to worry about missing anything in their lives. He was deployed last time I was pregnant, but was able to come home for the birth, but had to leave a few days after coming home from the hospital. It was difficult for me but I was fine. Now I am pregnant with our last, but he needs to attend a 15 week school soon. If he could go soon, he could be back in time for the birth. We always knew it was a possibility he may not be there. It sucked but I always supported him. Well he calls me yesterday because his unit is dicking around and not being proactive. He made up his mind and told them that if they can't get their shit together and get him to school in October, then he wasn't going again until May or June of 2018 because he WILL be there for me and the baby this time, and that his family is more important, because at the end of the day, at the end of his career, that is what will be most important. I cannot express how happy that made me, especially because he made that decision on his own, with no promoting or asking from me. He knows we will be here for him no matter what. He is such an amazing man, I never thought I would ever hear him say that! He is my one and only!!