Did I ovulate? please help!


This is my first cycle charting bbt and I'm not sure if I ovulated. Glow originally predicted my fertile window to be from the 17th to the 23rd. well I kept getting negative opk but was having ewcm .

then on the 24th I got what I thought was a positive opk.

but haven't had a three day spike in temp. plus on Sunday the 24th I checked my cervix(New to that too might have done wrong) and I thought I felt an opening? but not on Monday it was low and hard and then on tuesday the 26th I again felt an opening? Also on wednesday the 27th and today the 28th ive had ewcm but it was very light and dryer ? if you can say that it was clear and stretchy looked just like egg whites but it wasnt as slimy or as much as the first time I had ewcm this month. usually I have a LOT of mucus that I wipe and is on my panties. Alsp glow keeps changing my af due date. currently it has it for oct 9th but my cycles are VERY consistant. i have a 30 day cycle and its always on the 5th or 6th. last month it started on the 6th. Any thoughts? i feel exhausted from constantly charting and checking and my poor wonderful husband has been going through the gauntlet eith me be cause I keep thinking I'm ovulating and don't want to miss my window only to reevaluate and push my o off. please help!