So my husband told me he wished I had a bigger butt ๐Ÿ˜•๐Ÿ˜”


I'm very upset by this and I don't know if I'm overreacting. today, being playful before I left for work, he smacked me on my ass but then said I'm hoping if I do it enough it will make it bigger. I'm like excuse me? my butts not good enough? and he said well it's good enough but I want you to have a bigger butt. and I got really upset and he's mad that I'm upset by that. back up a few days, I had a convo with him the other night that I feel like he doesn't want me because he never initiates sex and is just like ughhh fine when I initiate it. and the fact that her rather watch porn shows he would rather i look like them. So I'm already feeling insecure. So when he said that it just made me feel like shit. and he's mad about it. Idk if I'm over reacting or not??? I just feel like he knows who he married and he should love me how I am