Well it’s official!


I AM PREGNANT!! I can’t believe it!! I took two tests today and both showed up as a BFP! I feel so lucky and blessed that it has happened very quickly for my husband and I (1.5 months off the pill, 1 cycle TTC) as I know so many couples struggle with conceiving, my heart goes out to you.

All of last week I was crampy and tired and just chalked it up to AF coming (AF was due Monday). Sunday arrived and I put a tampon in because I was 99.9% sure AF was making an appearance and when I took it out, there was just a tiny amount of brown blood at the tip. Monday came and went and no blood since, so I figured maybe it’s late because my body is still regulating after coming off the pill.

After the gym last night I decided to just buy a couple pregnancy tests just to see... I woke up this AM before work while hubby was sleeping and took one and BAM- BFP! I just got home from work and took another to be sure and yep... still positive!

I haven’t told my husband yet as I am waiting for my customized onesie to arrive from Etsy (huge Game of Thrones fans, so I got a custom onesie that says “Baby of House Gannon” and will wrap the + tests in it). It says it’s going to be delivered by Saturday, but I am really hoping it’s delivered by tomorrow!!! It’s killing me not saying anything!!! Ahhhh he’s been kissing my belly all week, knowing I could be pregnant and before I knew, I would just giggle and say “I’m not really sure...” but he was so right! 😍 he’s going to flip!!! This is so surreal