Boyfriend subscribed to porn!


My boyfriend and I have always talked about how I don't like that he watches porn because it makes me feel insecure and more. Well we've been together for 5 years and he knows how much it bothers me and he started watching it about a year after we got together. One night I was on his phone looking up stuff on the web and he had multiple tabs open of girls masturbating and his history showed he watches porn a lot. He even PAYS a website to watch a certain girl masturbate and have sex with men for 40$ a month!!! And he follows porn stars on social media and likes every picture they post when they're naked and spams them. He always wants to have sex every time we see Eachother which is every other day, and sometimes I'm way to tired to have sex when I've been on my feet working 12 hours shifts!! We have a good sex connection and it's amazing every time but sometimes I'm just way to tired. And when I tell him I don't want to have sex he gets so pissed at me!! He never compliments me on my body or anything. So it makes me feel so insecure about myself. It makes me feel so ugly.. should I tell him AGAIN? or just suck it up? Or am I just jealous? I understand it's better than him having sex with another girl and cheating, but I still feel like it's okay for me to feel how I feel.