Birth certificate/ last name


My baby's father and I aren't together, but he will be somewhat involved. He has little interest in the baby and has told me that he doesn't know how he's supposed to love our son as much as he loves his son (from a previous relationship). He's referred to the baby as "that thing" and has said he's better off moving back west to get away from me and "that child". But feels that the baby should have his last name & wants to claim him on his taxes since it would be helpful to him and paying off his student loans......... I also wasn't sure if I wanted him to be on the birth certificate. I'm contemplating whether I should tell him when I go into labor or not and just have him come see the baby after I'm home from the hospital. I think that if he wants to be on the birth certificate and give the baby his last name, he should work for it. I'm not just going to hand it over and make everything smooth as butter for him when he hasn't helped me with anything so far. He just likes to take and take. He also said if I go after him for child support he will make my life miserable & that he'll do what he needs to do for the baby and give me 100$ a month because he says I won't need any more than that. All this from a 27 year old to a 22 year old 👌🏻

Does anyone agree with me? Am I just being dramatic?