TTC after Mirena


Hello ladies!

My husband and I are ttc post mirena. My back history:

I started loestrin as a 17 y/o and stopped at age 24 for 5 months. During the 5 months, hormonal birth control free, my cycle lasted 24-27 days. I then decided to have the mirena placed while I went to graduate school to be a FNP (one more semester!!!). I had the mirena for a total of 2 years, with maybe 3 periods and some spotting here and there. I had the mirena removed September 13th. I experienced 3 days of spotting immediately after removal, a 2 day break from spotting, followed by 3 more days of spotting. I am now 15 days post removal and have no idea where I am in my cycle. My body is giving me mixed signals. My cervical mucus was like egg whites 2 days post mirena removal and has been very minimal and wet/creamy since. I have never been pregnant.

What all have you experienced with ttc post mirena?

How long did it take for you to have what you considered a normal period post removal of mirena?

Did you have mirena removal crash symptoms?

Thanks for reading and responding! Looking forward to hearing from all of you.