Had a scheduled c-section scheduled for Sept 26th at 8am

Had a scheduled c-section scheduled for Sept 26th at 8am. Well Sept 25th at 530am I woke up with horrible contractions every 4 to 9 minutes apart, called my ob they told me to wait until they were every 5 minutes for 2 hours. Well I struggled through each one as they got closer together and more intense at 330pm I went to the hospital and I was dilated to a 2. They wanted to wait for the c section because the hospital was busy and had no operating rooms available. 1 hour later they checked me again and I was at 4 cm. They said well yo u are having your baby at 8pm (20 minutes from then!) My husband looked so freaked out and wasn't ready haha!! Well needless to say it all worked out and she is beautiful as can be.