Frequeny BM in older baby?


My 9mo old son would have 1-2 BM a day, and the last day or two has had 5-6, literally every diaper and I'm having to change him more because I can't leave a poopy diaper on him! What could be causing this and is it cause for concern? I'm a FTM, he's EBF but eating about 12-18 oz of solids a day. (3 meals of 4-6oz) and has been on that schedule for a while now. Only things are that the last few days I've given yogurt (never has been a problem before but not given to him often, once in a while) and then pieces of a quesadilla. So maybe the cheese or tortilla? But his poop is normal, not diarrhea or constipation. I'll add that I'm gluten and dairy sensitive but he hasn't proven to be thus far.