Unplanned Surprise


Went to the doctor last week and was told I was 2cm dilated at 35 weeks and if I kept feeling contractions to go to the hospital. Me being me I didn't go to the hospital after over 5 days because I kept telling myself "they're just going to say what I'm feeling is normal and send me home in 5 minutes." My husband finally convinced me to go. After being examined I was 3cm dilated and 90% effaced! Was started on antibiotics and fluids to stop the contractions but nothing worked and then found out I progressed to 4cm in an hour. Baby was breached and was told any kick could break my water so they were going to wheel me back and do a C section! I was immediately told it was a good thing I came in and ended up having my beautiful baby girl miss Jaylen Alexis at 12:30 am September 28, 2017 at 5lbs 8oz at 35 weeks 6 days. Thankfully she's healthy and doing great with limited monitoring of just her blood sugar levels. So unexpected but SO IN LOVE
