Missed misscariage followed by vaccines- how long to wait?


Hi all,

I had a missed miscarriage in August, I was almost 13 weeks pregnant but my baby died at 8 weeks.

It was discovered through blood tests that I'm not immune to varicella or measles so needed the varicella and mmr vaccine (I am immune to rubella).

I've just had the second dose of vaccines and in the waiting period before TTC however am conflicted. There is a lot of info saying we can try after 28 days which is perfect as I'll be fertile then but there is also lots of other info saying to wait 3 months.

Can anyone give any advice on this and whether you've been in a similar situation? I want to try again asap but don't want to take any risks that could effect my baby. Im thinking the 28 days is fine considering I'm already immune to rubella...?