
Elisabeth • 🌈Waiting on our rainbow. Recurrent pregnancy loss. 4 babies gone.

This may be TMI but I feel if there's anywhere to post this would be it! plus I need others experiences. For the past year I've been spotting mid - cycle pretty regularly. It stopped for a little but started again. At first I thought it was due to exercise, went to my doc, did 3 months of tests from PAPs to ultrasounds to see what could be causing it. My fiance and I have been trying for 2 years for baby #2 with no luck. As of two days ago I worked out, just light cardio. I had no idea I was bleeding, it was more than just spotting and I was mid ovulation. Yestersay barely anything and then today I'm back to bright red. I knew a HPT wouldn't show anything (even though I was hopeful) it was negative but had anyone had this?! My history had always been regular, no fibroids, no issues at all from what the doctors could see. So I'm over here like awesome, I'm 32 and bleeding pretty much all the time, can't conceive and feel like my body is failing me.