Praying for baby #3

Melissa • Working full time, mom of 2 girls. Pregnant with baby #3 🤞🏻hoping for a healthy pregnancy

I have 2 girls that I absolutely love. I was able to get pregnant in 4 months with each of them. We started trying for #3 in January and I got pregnant immediately. April I had a miscarriage. It was so hard. I had complications early on so I never even had a chance to be excited for the baby or enjoy being pregnant. It was months of ultrasounds, bloodwork and doctors visits. It was absolutely heartbreaking and exhausting. Now we have been trying for another baby for 4 months now and I am so discouraged. EVERYONE is prego or having babies. I don't have any close girlfriends that I can confide in that can understand what I'm going through. My husband is supportive but he doesn't understand how hard it is for me. I worry something is wrong with me, or that I will never have any more kids. Which is absolutely heartbreaking for me. Now I am waiting for my period to come and this morning I felt cramping😩 all I can think about is how much I want another baby. I try not to obsess about it and find other things to keep me occupied but it's hard. I know there are women out there who have been unable to have even one child. So I am grateful for the children I have. But our family just does not feel complete. Here's to praying the cramping is just from being dehydrated 🤞🏻