Birth Dream

kelsey • I love being a mama to a little girl. We love you Lily Pad ❤️

I had the most vivid dream last night. My SO handed me a baby girl, she was beautiful, although it was so strange. I saw her as a newborn and then just a few months older. Light brown hair, blue eyes (my SO and I have green and brown eyes) lol. I was breastfeeding her in both scenes. And I heard my voice softly say mama loves her little girl. At the beginning of the dream my doctor said well what do you want to name her. She wrote out Olivia Maragaret Keith and she weighed 7lbs 11 1/2 oz. So so clear..meanwhile I went to a psychic who said I'd be having a little boy. I cannot wait to hold my little baby some day. Six months in and those dreams make me more and more excited!