Healthcare Financial Assistance Options


Recently I found out that my dad has been having heart issues over the last couple years and he hasn't told anyone because he does not have insurance. My sister is now living with him and has noticed a few scary symptoms. She's a licensed Paramedic, but is not currently working in the field.

We finally got my dad to go to urgent care during his last episode where his heart rate dropped to 37. The doctor talked to him about a few treatment options, but she said he will most likely need a pacemaker.

My dad started working part-time for Publix a while back and is about 2-3 months away from qualifying for insurance through them. He is hoping to be able to wait for his insurance to kick in before getting treated, but in case his situation worsens, we're looking for programs geared towards providing financial assistance for medical needs.

He has applied for Medicaid and is not old enough for Medicare. He also applied for a program through the local hospital.

Does anyone know of any other programs we can look into? He lives in the South Florida area. Any suggestions would be much appreciated!!