Changing doctors at 30w3d


Has anyone else changed doctors this late? I'm really nervous, but I think I'm doing what's best for my little one. I have hypothyroidism. I take synthroid, and before becoming pregnant my doctor checked my levels every 4-6 months. Researching it, I've found that it should be monitored more closely during pregnancy. I started having issues with dizziness, feeling nauseated, feet tingling, etc. I told my obgyn that my first sign that there was a problem with my thyroid was my feet tingling and I felt like it needed to be checked. He said we wouldn't need to check it until after I had the baby. I literally had to sit down in the hallway at work due to dizziness on Wednesday, and I have felt so awful the past few days. I went to the doctor yesterday morning and without a blood test, finger prick or anything, he said it was gestational diabetes. I had just passed my glucose test a few weeks ago. Anyway, I still felt horrible last night and really wanted to have my blood checked, so I went to the ER. They tested and my thyroid levels were extremely high and I need my medicine increased and I'm anemic. I found another doctor but have to wait until Monday to schedule an appointment to allow them time to get my paperwork/ medical records.

Does anyone else have thyroid issues? I've read it can be harmful to the baby if not kept under control. I'm scared for my baby and so nervous about changing doctors this late in pregnancy.