What Should I Do?????


I like this boy and we started talking as like friends but touched and talked to me like we are friends. So he stopped talking for. a few weeks and we kind of grew apart. At school he would forced me to hug him and talk to him all of a sudden he just stop wanting to hug me and I find out that he has a girlfriend so I ask him about and he lies straight to my face and I find out that the girl he is dating we take class together and she is always trying to do what I do. I'm like thinking about him everyday and night and I just can't stop thinking about him every time he see me he acts like I'm invisible and it hurts so bad because I don't want to have feelings for him but I do. I think its Karma because I said I never cried over a boy but when I meet him I just got so sensitive about him. I just come home go in my room and I start crying I don't I think I'm in love with him.

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