My partner isnt very supportive πŸ’”

i feel like I'm loosing the will to live!

okay, so ive been with my partner 8 years, nearly 9 in December! and for a year now we have wanted to have a child, I gave birth on August to a little girl and I couldn't be happier, she's all I have ever wanted and I don't think I could love anyone any more than I love her.

Just one problem, I feel like I'm a single parent raising her on my own! my partner works full time, he's never at home and when he is he doesn't seem interested! I'm starting to think he would rather be away from home and working these days. He never ever helps with any feeds, I can't remember the last time he changed her nappy and when shes crying he just passes her over to me.

I feel like he's drifting away from me and my baby and would rather be anywhere else rather than with us, such as with the girl from the office he's always texting on his phone.

am I being paranoid? or should I cut him somw slack? I'm just upset as this isn't what I thought he'd be like as a father.

I just feel so lonely and upset