First trimester in Peru

Hannah • Hey my name is Hannah. I am a 27 yo SAHM 💙👶🏻 💙4/29/16 💙👶🏻 💙4/23/18

So my SO and I had plans to go to Peru for over a year to take my son to visit his family. It's an 8 hour flight. A week prior I was feeling sick but I thought it was just nerves about traveling with our 18mo. Well we were here for 2 days and i started vomiting so badly I needed to be hospitalized. We discovered I was pregnant. They released me I've been out for 23 hours and again the vomiting has started and i can't even hold water down. We are supposed to be here for another week. My SO has suggested flying early but idk if that's possible because with our layover it's 12 hours in the airport and this morning sickness is just so intense. It goes from 0-60 within a matter of a few hours. Any tips on how to better manage this morning sickness? Or flying with morning sickness or overall advice? TIA