Please be a bun in the oven!!!

My Husband and I have been ttc since June this year. We have been wanting babies since we first started dating 3 years ago as we are very family orientated people, but waited until we were married and living by ourselves. My period has always been the same, never early never late and always the same starting heavy and getting lighter thoughout the week. But my last couple periods have been starting 2 days early and really light like spotting but then getting heavier thoughout the week (disappointed everytime this happened)... this time it was supposed to start on Thursday 28th but still nothing. We are dying to be parents so hopefully this is it! Side note: I don't have any of my usual period symptoms (cramping, mood swings, hunger) or pregnancy symptoms that I know of, so was wondering what should I look out for? I also cant test until Monday or Tuesday as I'm currently on vacay with family and dont have access to anything.