Already Ready to Start Again. Steps? Sorry it's a long read.


7 1/2 years ago i went through a miscarriage at 12 wks. The baby stopped growing at 6 wks and did not develop the fetal heart pole. I was devastated because at that time i had to put that baby up for adoption and had started all the paperwork. I felt like i failed at providing the joy of a child to someone who couldn't conceive. Fast forward to now. My fiance, new partner, and i decided August 18 that we were both ready to TTC. My cycles have been crazy since i got off BC in May. My August and one cycle in July were 23 days. We went all out. Began a vitamin regime, used an OPK, he stopped masterbating before sex so we could get the good stuff. We have no problems in the sex department. Just knowing we could create a beautiful being made it more fun, especially when the OPK said i was ovulating soon. We found out on the 18th we were about to begin our baby journey. We were excited! Sadly it's almost like i knew something was off. I had strange cramping since finding out. I had itwe confirmed at a clinic. The test there was vey light but confirmed pregnancy. The next day i had extremely bad Cramps for an hour, but had cramped the whole week. Sunday night i had the beginning of pink spotting. Then again after intercourse on Monday morning. Tuesday mourning i had brown discharge. Nothing was more than enough to show on a pad. I went too get blood drawn on Wednesday. The results came back as 59. Thursday evening i came home and had a brighter red. it began showing n a little on the pad. i went in for emergency hcg testing and got a level of only 29. Confirmed it as an MC. We are completely devastated. It took the first time of actually TTC and we got our BFP. Now it's ended in MC. We aren't exactly sure how far along we were. I'm ready to start right away and he's a little apprehensive because he doesn't want me to go through this again. But having a child is his dream, i have 2 healthy boys. Any advice is welcome on TTC after miscarriage.