horrific stomach pain! please help.

can anyone give me any advice on easing stomach pain? I have IBS, pcos, abdominal migraine and I'm currently being tested for other stomach problems. I suffer with horrific pain, I curl up in a ball sobbing and nothing will stop it, I take high strength pain killers, I have a constant hot water bottle, I take antispasmodics, low grade antidepressants, among other things and nothing will work. has anyone found something to help them? I'm desperate I don't wanna go to hospital again (last time I was there weeks and my mental health rapidly declined) but I can't cope with this pain even with a high tolerance. please help a woman out. UPDATE** I can't see my doctor till thursday when I have an appointment, last time I was there it wasn't helpful, I was told to stay on the meds and breathe through the pain, I'm trying, it doesn't work. I was hoping someone would have advice with positions to help stomach pain or natural remedies or something till I can see someone